
What students say about my courses


AI Literacy for Library Workers

This is a fabulous class. It is time-consuming so make sure you have dedicated time to take the class and do the exercises but you will learn so much. I am new to the topic so it was a little like learning a foreign language but it was fun too. I really enjoyed playing around with the various tools.
– Darlene Brafley, Director Library and Museum Services, City of Arcadia, CA

One of the best courses I’ve ever taken. Highly recommended.
– Brock Edmunds, Assistant Head, Pardee Library, Boston University Libraries

Nicole embodies the two most important characteristics of a great instructor: deep knowledge of her subject; and attentiveness to her students.
– Kenning Arlitsch, Library Director, Central European University

This course really gave me the opportunity to try out so many different AI tools and have that hands on experience I really needed. Plus get a better understanding of generative AI in general. Highly recommend the course!
– Laura Hogan, Reference & Instruction Librarian, Bristol Community College, Fall River, MA

This class offers a great overview of how AI works and some of the ethical issues involved. The assignments also gave me a chance for hands on learning. I only knew of AI as a peripheral thing existing in the world, and this class gave me a great basic understanding. Highly recommended.
—Deb Garbison, Librarian – Hennepin County Library

Being able to work effectively with AI is clearly an important aspect of librarianship now and Nicole’s course will introduce you to a vast range of AI tools with interesting activities to learn how to use them.
—Cynthia Rider, Public Service Librarian, Peninsula Library System, San Mateo, CA

I highly recommend this excellent course. The videos are informative, exciting and short, and I really enjoyed the hands-on activities, it was so much fun that I could try out all these new tools! I liked best the attitude that we were supposed to understand how easy it is to use AI to build a chatbot, generate music or create a podcast from a text. 
—Angelika Gulyas, Senior Collection Management Librarian, Central European University, Vienna


Keeping Up with Emerging Technologies

I learned about a lot of wonderful new tools and a new process for keeping current and sharing, I will be applying these – I got exactly what the course description offered. The digital divide is obvious in the library users I work with, so I liked the additional attention to ethics and accessibility – I will apply this. The course is well designed for professional development. The videos are short and the supplemental readings are manageable length. This course is fully relevant to my work today and the content and the delivery are well done. Thank you Nicole!
– Kathy Wise, Research and Instruction Librarian, University of Calgary

I particularly like the 7 steps activity. This helped organize everything and would be a good list to show stakeholders once we collected data. I also had never used Pocket or Evernote, but found them extremely helpful and I will be using these on a daily basis for my job. Excellent course! Thank you!
– Miranda Robbins, Digital Services Librarian, New Braunfels Public Library, Texas

I learned about new sources for technology information, and how to evaluate which innovations are likely to enter the mainstream and affect how we live our daily lives. I also learned how to pitch ideas for tech projects and purchases to my co-workers and supervisors, and have come away with a great reading list! I think if Nicole were to develop another course, I would very likely take it!
– Nina Mohan, Library Assistant for Teen and Children’s Services, Walnut Creek Library, Contra Costa County, CA

I learned a lot about how I might be able to better engage patrons in the user testing of our technology and I’m excited to try and put it into practice. I was also introduced to a bunch of resources for helping to schedule information gathering and to curate that information. The class was great for inspiring ideas. There were many times that I had light bulb moments of how to use some of the strategies and resources for my library.
– Bonnie Gardner, Technology Librarian at Lewiston City Public Library, Idaho

Outstanding course filled with excellent ideas, resources, and hands-on practice!
— Laurel Reinhardt, Technology Services Librarian, Madison County Public Libraries

This course was fantastic. Very relevant, informative, and engaging. I found it worth the time, and plan to implement much of what I learned in my own workplace, even though I’m not technically an Emerging Technology Librarian. Many concepts covered can easily be applied universally.
— Marie Harris, Location Leader, Charlotte Mecklenburg Library

Excellent course. Thought-provoking, mind-expanding, and fun!
— Terry Brandsma, Information Technology Librarian, UNC Greensboro

The class Keeping Up with Emerging Technologies gave me the confidence I needed to propose technology projects at my institution. I no longer feel like I have to be a tech wiz to do so! I am so thankful for this course and how it has opened my mind to keeping an eye out for changing technology that will benefit my students.

— Nichole Nichols, Public Services Librarian, Coastal Carolina Community College

Online Privacy and Security

Nicole’s workshop is so pertinent to today’s concerns with privacy and the internet. She gave extraordinary information on how to be safer in the digital age. We can’t wait for Nicole to offer more workshops for our staff!
— Rachel Rooney, IT/Reference Librarian, West Tisbury Library, Massachusetts

“This is the best e-course I have ever taken. The content was current, the assignments were relevant, the instructor was accessible.”
— Linda Azen Martin, Instruction Librarian, Santiago Canyon College, Seal Beach, CA

Organize Your Life with Mobile Apps

This is a great course for those new to the organizational app experience: information is broken down into short sections, feedback is available if you need help.
— Leslie Gincley, Materials Manager, Frederick County, MD

The electronic devices that we use everyday have untapped capacities to help us organize our lives and protect our privacy. Nicole Hennig is an excellent guide to some trustworthy apps and how to apply them across platforms to make my life flow a little easier. I’ll be able to get more done after taking her class!
— John Thompson, Systems librarian, Waynesburg University, Waynesburg, PA

I currently have two jobs and I am in the process of starting a business. Organization has been a struggle, as I have so many things going on at once, but I found this class to be extremely helpful and I have implemented several of the programs, which have been working very well to keep me on task/organized.
— Kim Johnson Cole, Academic Librarian

This is a worthwhile course, even if you consider yourself pretty sophisticated in using cross platform apps and applications. My goal is to increasingly “go paperless” and be able to access tons of info wherever I am. this course has really sent me on my way.

Nicole is a really sophisticated teacher and makes great use of the Udemy platform. Best of all, she responds quickly and thoughtfully to questions and problems.
— Doug Rovira

A great class which really helped me to learn about apps which will be very useful personally and professionally. Not only did Ms. Hennig introduce the apps, but she supplied excellent instructions and was always available for questions.
— Pat Hinton, Library Director, Robbins Library, Louisburg College

I really enjoyed this course. I found new uses for applications I had used before but not to their fullest capacity. I also found new tools that will help me organize my work and home life relieving me of much anxiety. Organization is the key!
— Nancy LeCrone, Reference Librarian, Thomas B. Norton Public Library

I found this class to be extremely informative and helpful. I learned about applications that help me manage everyday activities while becoming acquainted with applications that assist with storage, organization and security measures evolved for safekeeping. This class also gave me knowledge that I can share with library customers and staff.
— Jan Banks, Casey County Public Library

Apps for Librarians and Educators

Apps for Librarians is a fantastic course! Take it if you want to become confident in acquiring and using apps. Learn how to effectively apply them in an educational setting. The course format and instructor were excellent and galvanized my understanding of these very useful tools.— Ann Kenney, Rice Memorial High School, Burlington, VT.

Great class! Nicole delivers relevant information on the evolving app world in a professional and engaging format and fashion. — Bridget Reistad, Librarian, Erickson Library @ Lake Superior College, Duluth, MN

I thoroughly enjoyed this class. While I went into the course having a fairly firm concept of how librarians can use apps and some of the best apps available, I feel that this course enhanced my knowledge and exposed me to new apps.— Jennifer Johnson, Reference Librarian, Springdale Public Library (Arkansas)

Taking Apps for Librarians was time well spent for me. I started the class with a basic level of understanding and now feel totally empowered to use apps to improve my own teaching practice and assist others.— Lisa McNulty, Library Media Specialist, Orchard Gardens Pilot School, Roxbury, MA

Besides being extremely knowledgeable regarding apps and app technology, Nicole knows how to share her knowledge with her students. She is a clear and effective communicator who uses several teaching approaches to reach her students, recognizing that each person learns differently from the next. Further, she gives her students the tools so they can continue learning even after the class concludes. The class was an exceptional value. I wouldn’t hesitate to take another class with Nicole as the instructor. — name withheld, attorney, law librarian, Simmons alumna

Excellent course. This class exceeded my expectations. It provided a good mix of the practical and theoretical components of iOS and android applications. Nicole is enthusiastic, encouraging, engaging and very knowledgeable. — Maryjane Canavan, Head of Library Systems, University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Before taking Apps4Librarians, I didn’t realize there were so many apps that could be useful in educational settings. I look forward to sharing information about some of the apps I learned about in this course with my colleagues and possibly lead some workshops on specific apps. — Ellen Lutz, Research Services Librarian in the Sciences, University of Texas at San Antonio

Nicole embraces technology with a fervor I had yet to witness, until I took a six week online course with her. Her energy, her intelligence, her skills, her insatiable curiosity, are omnipresent in her life. Nicole generously and gleefully passes all of it onto her students, as she models and moves through this new age, exploring and teaching hardware, software, and every single “digit” and “widget” imaginable. As we transitioned through each of the six weeks, it was readily apparent that Nicole also possesses organizational/teaching skills and strategies, which incorporate all learning abilities and styles ~ Her well designed presentation format featured assignments for reading in print and online; viewing video demonstrations; writing online discussion comments; completing app reviews in our private blog; participating in evening live chats, whereby she so confidently, casually, and courteously became one with the class as we shared our personal and professional views on assignments as they related to our lives. Nicole’s style invites the student/participant into her digital world, and treats them as guests to a wondrous technology feast… Yet, she is also grounded in the traditional world, thus understanding our “taste” for tech may still be ala carte. Nicole enthusiastically and winningly teaches astride both worlds ~ In so doing, Nicole reaches her students with a very exciting élan. — Edwina Walker Amorosa, Retired school librarian; Freelance Book Indexer, Access Indexing, Sherman, CT

The Book as iPad App

As a children’s librarian, I was familiar with many preschool picture book apps but I had no idea how those features would enhance the reading experience for adults. I am in awe of the apps that are available that I was not even aware existed. I hope that publishers continue to create these quality apps and that classes like this continue to point librarians in the right direction to find the best book apps! — Julie Mills, Children’s Librarian, Kenton County Public Library, Erlanger, KY

Wow, am I grateful for Nicole’s course! Not only am I well-equipped with the knowledge of how and where to keep current on book apps, I’m also teeming with excitement to plan a cool series of book app events for our students and faculty. Thanks again! — Meg O’Neill – Learning Commons Director, Pingree School, South Hamilton MA

An excellent presentation to a rapidly growing subject and market. A must for librarians in all types of institutions. — Ani Boyadjian, Interim Electronic Services Manager, Los Angeles Public Library

I can highly recommend Nicole Hennig’s webinar “The Book as an iPad App” to then be followed up by her more in-depth 4-week class. It is a great introduction to the book as an app. I think any librarian, no matter what area of expertise, could learn from this class. — Susan Kirby, Librarian, Charlotte Mecklenburg Library, Charlotte, NC

IPad and iPhone users (and their librarians) can be overwhelmed by the tsunami of apps flooding the market. Once the new wears off these devices, most users are haunted by the nagging notion that they can–and probably should–be doing more than spending hours flinging irate birds at little green porkers. The trouble is knowing just where to start. The Book as iPad App class is a great way to stop playing and start learning. — Sharon Anderson, Youth Services Coordinator, Cape Girardeau Public Library, Cape Girardeau, MO

I totally enjoyed this class. I learned a new approach education and entertainment. Nicole presents and discusses the material in a very understandable way. I can’t wait to explore more apps! — Kim Arntzen, Library Specialist, Fox Valley Technical College, Appleton, WI

Not only did I learn a lot about something I knew little about, but I also saw how excellently an online course can be done. The videos were more entertaining that anything on Netflix, and I am inspired to try creating my own ebook apps. I wish I could learn about all new technology in such a pleasant way. — Maida Tilchen, Project Manager for Library Services, Cambridge College, Cambridge, MA

This four-week course gets five stars not only for the information it contains, but also for the level of empowerment it provides. I signed-up not knowing a thing about book apps, and in a month’s time I am using them at work and collaborating with a library colleague to create a book app of our own for use in story times. The topic is timely, relevant and fun! I couldn’t ask for more. — Susan Hansen, Head of Public Services, West Hartford Public Library, West Hartford, CT

Taking this training has been a great approach to new tools that I was not aware of. Videos, articles and active practice made my first experience rich, interesting and no doubt memorable. I feel inspire to continue exploring more useful and dynamic apps to be used in my library. — Claudia Mendiola, Outreach Librarian, Benjamin Franlin Library, Mexico City

I shared some of the interactive book apps with teachers of blind and low vision students. Each of the teachers have asked for more information on the app so they could use them with their.students. The possibilities to engage students who are visually impaired is very exciting. I look forward to continuing to learn how I can get children to use and create their own apps. Reluctant readers have many different abilities. — Stella Cone, Outreach Librarian, Georgia Public Library Service, Atlanta, GA

As a librarian, I have felt qualified to share my knowledge of information resources with my students, but then along came this thing called an “app.” Fortunately, for me, along came Nicole Hennig and her “Book as iPad App” course. Now I’m even more qualified! — Ann Coster, Elementary Librarian, Cairo American College (PreK-12), Cairo, Egypt

Wonderful. Just a wonderful introduction to Books as iPads in terms of what is currently available and examples of the ideas that are moving this format along as we span the paper/electronic options. Nicole is very knowledgeable and her style of instruction is approachable and fun. — Lydia Patrick, Technology Division Manager, Loudoun County Public Library, Leesburg, VA

The Book as iPad online course taught by Nicole Hennig under the ALA rubric was wonderfully structured and meticulously taught by Nicole. I found the demo videos and class readings very much on target. Also, in the most enjoyable and enlightening live chats, Nicole consistently showed herself to be a caring highly knowledgeable instructor who is passionate about apps and their applications in library environments. — Mike Binder, Dean of Libraries Emeritus, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY

This was a great class, so easy to navigate and take on my own time frame but with deadlines so I didn’t procrastinate for ever. The articles were spot on and well chosen. Including a hands on component as well as a create ideas activity which made it a very useful and productive class that I can take back and share with my fellow librarians and administrators. — Trish Hull, Library Manager, Magna Library Salt Lake County Library Services, Magna, UT

A must for anyone using iPads, or planning on introducing them in the future! As a Children’s Librarian I was most interested in Week 3, which focused on apps for children. I enjoyed all of the videos and articles, appreciating the varied aspects of the app world! The reading materials offered terminology and ideas that I can use to explain the relevance of continuing to include iPad use in the library and with programs for patrons of all ages. The shared reviews were wonderful! Nicole offer so much info in 4 short weeks! I have saved a lot to look over when I have more time, and I look forward to sharing with my staff. — Lori Blend, Head Of Children’s Services, North Shore Public Library, Shoreham, NY