Promoting AI Literacy: A Comprehensive Log of My 2024 AI Education Activities

Promoting AI Literacy: A Comprehensive Log of My 2024 AI Education Activities

I’ve created and participated in many AI-related activities this year! This post is a summary of them. See also my activities for 2023.


1. Webinars offered

  • Jan. 30, Feb. 6, Feb. 13, and Feb. 20: A series of four webinars.
    Understanding and Using Generative AI in Library Programs: a webinar series. American Library Association.
  • April 5: Introduction to AI Literacy with ChatGPT. Walla Walla County Rural Library District
  • April 9, 16, and 23: AI Literacy, Beyond ChatGPT, and AI Tools for Education. Penn State Libraries
  • Sept. 10: Generative AI Tools for Creating Multimedia. RAILS: Reaching Across Illinois Library System
  • Nov. 12: Understanding and Using Generative AI: for health science librarians. Network of the National Library of Medicine’s Region 4

2. Training for University of Arizona Libraries staff

3. Training for faculty, staff, and students at University of Arizona

4. Offered an online course: AI Literacy for Library Workers

A six-week online course, via Infopeople, Nov. 5 – Dec. 23, 2024
>> See feedback from people who took the course.

5. Guides and tutorials for UA Libraries

Most of these were created in 2023, and I continually updated them throughout 2024.

6. Task forces, committees, discussion groups

  • Member of  the ACRL AI Competencies for Library Workers Task Force (year-long term, beginning July 2024). Charge: to develop a set of comprehensive AI competencies for library workers that align with the evolving needs of academic libraries in the context of AI integration.
  • Participated in several University of Arizona campus-wide working groups on AI, (started summer 2023 and continued through 2024).
  • Co-chair of AI Working Group for the UA Libraries, (started summer 2024 and ongoing).
    Goals: To identify potential AI use cases in academic library operations and services, evaluate ethical and privacy implications, and develop a framework and recommendations for UA Libraries’ education and outreach in AI.
  • ACRL AI Discussion Group, monthly meetings, November and December.

7. Interviews

  • March 11. Interviewed by Christopher Griffin from UA College of Law for the Ithaka project.
    “Our local University of Arizona study is part of a suite of parallel studies at approximately 20 other institutions of higher education in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom, coordinated by Ithaka S+R, a not-for-profit research and consulting service.”

8. My writings

9. Training sessions I attended

January 23. Prompting for open source models  – DeepLearning AI

Feb. 6. AI in Teaching and Learning – Univ. of Arizona campus event

March 20. AI and Elections – AI at Arizona Town Hall Series

March 21. AI and Libraries – San Jose State University School of Information. Recordings.

April 18. AI & Libraries, part 2 (online event). Recordings

    • Developing a ChatGPT Workshop: An Academic Librarian’s Response to Evolving AI Technologies: Janice Kung, Librarian, University of Alberta
    • Planning a Credit-Bearing Course on AI and Information Literacy: Alyssa Russo, Learning Services Librarian, University of New Mexico | David A. Hurley
    • Generative AI and Open Educational Resources: Opportunities and Pitfalls: D’Arcy Hutchings, Instructional Design and Open Education Librarian, University of Alaska Anchorage

April 22. Creative AI in Art Education – Stonybrook University

May 21. Generative A.I. supercharging the mission of libraries: risks and opportunities – 3 hour webinar, ALA.

June 11. AI Chatbots in Public Libraries – first practical experiences –  from public libraries in Berlin
Try the chatbot here, ask it to speak in English:

June 11. Attended 2 other sessions from Generative AI in Libraries (GAIL) Virtual Conference.
Best one was about another chatbot experiment for a university library in Dubai. Zayed University. Try it:

June 11. ACRL LDG: Evolving with AI: Empowering the Maturing Academic Library Workforce – Leo Lo

June 12 – 13. Attended sessions from Generative AI in Libraries (GAIL) Virtual Conference.

    • 10 am – How are Students Actually using Generative AI? A Survey and its Implications for Academic Libraries
    • 11 am – Accessibility, Equity And AI: What’s New and Where Are We Going?
    • 12 pm – Using Artificial Intelligence-Generated Images in Libraries
    • 10 am – Crafting Effective Prompts: Leveraging Generative AI in Libraries
    • 11 am – Colloquial Data Science in Libraries
    • 12 pm – Aligning AI Tools with the ACRL Framework: Leveraging to Support Student Learning

August 7. Building your own Chatbots with a Purpose | recording
and Do More with your Data Using RAG: Building Chatbots | recording
IT Summit at UA

October 21 – 24. Attended virtual conference: Internet Librarian

– PROMPTING AND CONVERSATIONS. PART II – Public libraries in Berlin

December 2. Leveraging artificial intelligence to tackle climate change – Brookings Institution

December 5. A framework for AI literacy – Future Trends Forum
How can colleges and universities best support AI literacy? This week the Future Trends Forum is delighted to host three Barnard academics who just developed an AI literacy framework: Elana Altman, Senior Associate Director for UX & Academic Technologies; Melanie Hibbert, Director of Instructional Media and Academic Technology Services (IMATS) & Sloate Media Center; Tristan Shippen, Senior Academic Technology Specialist, IMATS.

December 9. Why an equity lens is critical in the design and deployment of AI – Brookings

December 10. The Role of AI in the Transition to Net Zero | FT Live | recording

December 10. Empowering Librarians with AI Literacy: A Framework for Navigating and Teaching AI – LibTech Insights webinar
Recording | Slides and white paper

December 13. Research and AI – Principles and Practices for Using AI Tools
A Library 2.0 “AI Deep Dive” Workshop with Reed Hepler


Thoughts about this year

This was another busy year for the topic of AI Literacy! One of the most rewarding things I did was teach the six-week course: AI Literacy for Library Workers. It was great to see how the 80 people in the course participated so enthusiastically. They completed many hands-on activities and participated in our discussions about them. I’ll write a separate post about that experience later.

I plan to offer the course again in 2025 — dates still to be determined. Sign up here if you would like to be notified when it’s ready, and take a look at the feedback from people who took the course.

Also in 2025 I plan to offer more webinars and workshops, and also keep our generative AI tutorials and guides up to date. I have several ideas for new topics for our tutorials — we’ll see how much I can get done! It’s such an interesting topic and I enjoy learning more about it every day.

To stay current with news about AI, sign up for my free newsletter, Generative AI News.

Which generative AI tool for your task?

Which generative AI tool for your task?

Many people ask me questions about which tool would be best to use for different tasks. So I put together this document as a reference.

I built it with Gamma, which has AI features built-in, but I didn’t use any of those AI features. I just like it as a tool for making slides and small websites.

I don’t aim to be comprehensive (there are far too many tools available), but just to suggest some starting points.

I expect this information to change frequently so that why it’s an editable web page, which makes it easy for me to keep it up to date. (If it was a downloadable PDF it would go out of date quickly!)

Bookmark it here: Which generative AI tool for your task?

Feel free to share! It’s licensed under CC BY 4.0.

NotebookLM – reverse engineering the system prompt for audio overviews

NotebookLM – reverse engineering the system prompt for audio overviews

So it seems lots of people are having fun experimenting with the Audio Overview feature of NotebookLM — including me!

If you’re not familiar with this, Google’s NotebookLM offers a way to upload (or link to) up to 50 documents in a “notebook” and then get summaries of different types and ask questions of them.

Audio Overview: generate a (simulated) podcast

Their newest feature is that it can generate a podcast-style audio based on your documents. This is called “Audio Overview.”

When you first try it, it seems amazing that it can do this so quickly and sound so realistic! They got the style of a podcast down!

So of course, I tried this with about 30 different documents or groups of documents.

Some content I used: a report about AI and academic libraries, a group of articles I had saved about the climate impact of AI, meeting notes from a committee I’m on, a short story by Isaac Asimov, a blog post of my own about my time in Oaxaca back in 2013, the complete script of my husband’s full-length AI-generated film (still in production), the entire text of my book, Keeping Up with Emerging Technologies, and more.

Here’s a sample of what it generated for this article: Optimizing renewable energy systems through artificial intelligence: Review and future prospects. Energy & Environment, 2024.


What I learned

Some of those overviews came out better than others. Some limitations (for now) are:

  • It’s always the same two voices, one male, one female. It seems random which voice is the interviewer and which one is the expert.
  • You can’t direct it to pay attention more to certain documents or parts of documents in your Notebook.
  • You can’t control the duration (it seems to usually end up between 6 and 15 minutes long)
  • It works with English only, for now.

However, I’ve heard that Google may add more features that let you control it. I hope they will!

What worked well

The podcast summary of a committee meeting was hilarious! One voice says, “When I think future, libraries aren’t the first thing that pop into my head.” Later they say, “Sounds kinda bureaucratic. Well, it’s librarians, what can I say?” (Made me laugh). The content was true to the meeting and what we discussed. Of course I shared it with our committee. It was based on an AI-generated transcript of a Zoom meeting we had.

Combing articles on two different topics worked well. It did a good job of finding the relationships between those topics in the Audio Overview. (One article was about the problems with tech journalism, and the other article was about solutions journalism).

Using only one document in a Notebook, instead of several. The Audio Overview did a good job of discussing this article: Net Zero Will Be Harder Than You Think – And Easier. Part II.

What didn’t work so well

The overview based on my blog post about food in Oaxaca (from my time living there in 2013 as a digital nomad). It said that I tried eating some chapulines (fried grasshoppers that are popular there), but I wrote about not trying them, since I’m vegetarian. I suspect it might have to do with generative AI not doing so well with negative prompts — or not knowing the different between a negative and positive statement?

So sometimes it can get a fact completely wrong. But I didn’t find that in the other Audio Overviews I tried.

The overview based on my entire book, Keeping Up with Emerging Technologies. It came up with some weird examples and didn’t really emphasize the most important parts of the book.

Using Claude to reverse engineer the system prompt

I kept wondering, what is the system prompt they use for this? So I tried an experiment.

1. I generated transcripts from four of the audio overviews, using this free tool.

2. I uploaded the transcripts to Claude and used this prompt:
I’m going to give you four different transcripts from some podcasts. I’d like you to compare them and tell me what they have in common for style, tone, common phrases used, and similar thoughts. 

3. Claude listed 5 descriptions of the style and tone, 5 common phrases and language patterns, and 8 similar thoughts and themes.

I noticed that it didn’t really talk about the ending, so I asked this:
“What’s in common with the ending of each?”
It gave me 7 common elements of the endings.

4. Then, since it was including information about the subject matter of these transcripts, I prompted this:
“Now let’s ignore the subject matter for these. Instead focus on style and common wording. Please write instructions for how a similar podcast on a different topic could use the same style and format. Be very specific about how the dialog should be.”

Here’s what Claude gave me:

Certainly! Here are specific instructions for creating a podcast in a similar style and format, regardless of the topic:

1. Opening:
– Begin with a welcoming phrase: “Hey everyone, welcome back.”
– Introduce the topic as a “deep dive” into the subject matter.

2. Dialog Structure:
– Use two hosts who engage in a conversational back-and-forth.
– Alternate between short, punchy statements and longer explanations.
– Use frequent affirmations like “Right,” “Exactly,” and “Absolutely” to maintain flow and agreement.

3. Language and Tone:
– Keep the language informal and accessible. Use contractions and colloquialisms.
– Maintain an enthusiastic, energetic tone throughout.
– Use rhetorical questions to transition between points: “It’s fascinating, isn’t it?”
– Employ phrases like “You know” and “I mean” to maintain a casual feel.

4. Content Presentation:
– Introduce source material (e.g., articles, studies) early in the discussion.
– Use analogies to explain complex concepts: “It’s like…”
– Break down ideas into digestible chunks, often using numbered points or clear transitions.

5. Interaction Between Hosts:
– Have one host pose questions or express confusion, allowing the other to explain.
– Use phrases like “You’ve hit the nail on the head” to validate each other’s points.
– Build on each other’s ideas, creating a collaborative feel.

6. Engagement Techniques:
– Address the audience directly at times: “So to everyone listening…”
– Pose thought-provoking questions for the audience to consider.

7. Structure and Pacing:
– Start with a broad introduction of the topic and narrow down to specific points.
– Use phrases like “So we’ve established…” to summarize and move to new points.
– Maintain a brisk pace, but allow for moments of reflection on bigger ideas.

8. Concluding the Episode:
– Signal the wrap-up with “So as we wrap things up…”
– Pose a final thought-provoking question or takeaway.
– Use the phrase “And on that note…” to transition to the closing.
– Encourage continued engagement: “stay curious, keep those questions coming.”
– End with a consistent sign-off: “Until next time, keep [relevant verb].”

9. Overall Flow:
– Begin with the misconception or general understanding of the topic.
– Introduce expert sources that challenge or deepen this understanding.
– Discuss implications and broader context of the new information.
– Conclude with how this knowledge affects the listener or the field at large.

Remember to maintain a balance between informative content and engaging conversation, always keeping the tone friendly and accessible regardless of the complexity of the topic.

That looked pretty good. So I next prompted this:

I’ll give you the text of an article and I’d like you to use the instructions above to write a podcast script about the topic of the article. The title is “Will A.I. Ruin the Planet or Save the Planet?”
[I pasted in the text of this New York Times article].


Certainly! I’ll create a podcast script based on the article “Will A.I. Ruin the Planet or Save the Planet?” using the style and format instructions provided earlier. Here’s the script:

Host 1: Hey everyone, welcome back. It’s time for another deep dive. And this one’s all about AI, but with a twist. We’re looking at its environmental impact. You know, that age-old question: Will AI save us or doom us?

Host 2: Yeah, it’s everywhere these days, isn’t it? But I feel like we’re hearing two completely different stories about AI and the environment.

Host 1: Exactly. On one hand, we’ve got headlines calling AI’s energy demand “obscene.” But on the other, some are hailing it as a potential savior for the planet. Talk about mixed messages!

Host 2: Definitely worth a closer look, then.

Host 1: Absolutely. We’re diving into a fascinating article from The New York Times that tackles this very issue. It’s called “Will A.I. Ruin the Planet or Save the Planet?” Talk about getting straight to the point!

Host 2: No beating around the bush there. So, what’s the scoop?

Host 1: Well, it turns out the global experiment in AI is just kicking off, but the spending frenzy? That’s in full swing. We’re talking about big tech pouring an estimated $105 billion into data centers last year alone.

Host 2: Wait, $105 billion? That’s… a lot of zeros.

Host 1: Right? And all those data centers need power. Lots of it. But here’s where it gets interesting. The article points out that while AI is an energy hog, it might also be our ticket to solving some major environmental challenges.

Host 2: So it’s a double-edged sword? Energy-hungry but potentially planet-saving?

Host 1: Exactly. Think about it like this: AI is like a super-powered tool. In the wrong hands, or used carelessly, it could cause a lot of damage. But wielded wisely? It could be the key to unlocking solutions we haven’t even dreamed of yet.

Host 2: That’s a really interesting way to look at it. But let’s break it down a bit. What makes these data centers such energy gluttons?

Host 1: It all comes down to something called generative AI. You know, the kind that can write poetry, code, or even have a conversation with you.

Host 2: Like ChatGPT?

Host 1: Exactly like ChatGPT. And get this – a single query to ChatGPT uses nearly 10 times as much electricity as a regular Google search.

Host 2: Wow, that’s… a lot more than I expected. So what does this mean for our power grids?

Host 1: Well, experts are predicting that energy consumption by data centers worldwide will at least double over the next few years. Goldman Sachs even estimates a 160% increase by 2030.

Host 2: That sounds pretty alarming. Are we talking about a significant chunk of global energy use here?

Host 1: It’s substantial, but let’s put it in perspective. Right now, data centers account for about 1% to 2% of total electricity demand. By 2030, that’s expected to increase to 3% to 4%.

Host 2: Okay, so not taking over the grid, but definitely a growing concern.

Host 1: Right. But here’s where it gets really interesting. Remember that double-edged sword we talked about?

Host 2: Yeah, the potential for AI to be both a problem and a solution?

Host 1: Exactly. Some experts argue that if we use AI wisely across the economy, it could actually reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 5% to 10% by 2030.

Host 2: That’s… a pretty significant reduction. How would that work?

Host 1: Well, it’s all about using AI as a tool for innovation and efficiency. For example, it could revolutionize how we design biological systems, leading to more efficient, less-polluting agriculture.

Host 2: So we’re talking about AI helping us grow more food with less environmental impact?

Host 1: Precisely. And it doesn’t stop there. AI is also being used to find new deposits of critical metals, improve geothermal energy exploration, and even optimize transportation and energy production.

Host 2: It’s fascinating how something that consumes so much energy could potentially help us save even more.

Host 1: You’ve hit the nail on the head. And there’s a historical precedent for this kind of technological evolution. Remember the concerns about cloud computing’s energy use in the early 2000s?

Host 2: Vaguely. Didn’t that turn out to be less of an issue than people thought?

Host 1: Exactly. From 2010 to 2018, the computing output of data centers jumped sixfold, but energy consumption only rose by 6%.

Host 2: So you’re saying we might see a similar trend with AI?

Host 1: It’s certainly possible. As Jonathan Koomey, a former scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, put it: “After the mania has calmed down, other incentives kick in. There is a huge incentive for the industry to become more efficient.”

Host 2: That makes sense. So what are tech companies doing to address these energy concerns?

Host 1: They’re working on several fronts – streamlining software and hardware, improving cooling systems, locating data centers in colder climates, and investing in alternative energy sources.

Host 2: So it sounds like the key is not just in how much energy AI uses, but how smartly we use AI itself.

Host 1: Absolutely. If we can harness AI’s potential while mitigating its energy impact, we might just get a lot of environmental bang for our buck.

Host 2: Well, that certainly gives us a lot to think about. As we wrap things up, I can’t help but wonder: If you could influence the future of AI development, what environmental considerations would be your top priority?

Host 1: That’s a big question. It really highlights the responsibility we all have in shaping this technology. It’s not just about the innovations themselves, but how we choose to implement and regulate them.

Host 2: Couldn’t agree more. The future of AI and its impact on our planet isn’t set in stone. It’s something we’re all figuring out together.

Host 1: Well said. So to everyone listening, stay curious, keep those questions coming, and keep the AI conversations going. We’re shaping the future of our planet, one innovation at a time.

Host 2: And on that note, we’ll wrap up this deep dive into the fascinating world of AI and its environmental impact. Be sure to check out the full article we discussed for even more insights. Until next time, keep learning and stay green!

That worked pretty well!

The transcript sounds just like one of those Audio Overviews. The next step would be to turn it into audio with a tool like Eleven Labs. 

So I went to Eleven Labs and generated one script with a male voice and the other with a female voice. But of course I would need to edit those together into one audio file.

Since I don’t have time for that now, I’ll just leave this as a transcript. But it might be a fun project for the future to turn one of these into an audio file.

Feel free to use my prompts for Claude to generate a transcript for a simulated podcast of your own. Wait…. I have an idea!

I made a customGPT for this

It occurred to me that I could turn Claude’s prompt into a custom GPT. So here it is!

Simulated podcast transcript generator
Give it the text of an article and it generates a podcast-like script in the style of NotebookLM’s Audio Overview.

Simulated podcast transcript generator

Why do all this? What is it good for?

This was an experiment to help me think about how this tool works. I don’t see using these right now as if they are “real” podcasts. At least not until Google improves the technology and gives you more control over the output.

But I do see promise to eventually use something like this to simplify information for people. It could also be helpful for improving accessibility.

For now, it’s helpful to think about how these are constructed, so it doesn’t just seem like magic.

I will be including an assignment about this technology in my upcoming course: AI Literacy for Library Workers. You can still sign up for this six-week online course. It begins on November 5.


If you’re wondering whether Google trains on the data you upload to NotebookLM, the answer is no.

From a (real) podcast interview with Steven Johnson:

We are not … training the model on this information so this information we’re just loading the information from these quotes into the the context window of the model the kind of short-term memory of the model and we’re using that to answer questions or be intelligent about it … there’s no chance that this information which is under copyright is going to be used to train the model or be shown to anybody else.”

And from Every (newsletter): “As an author, Johnson clarifies that no material uploaded to the model is used to train NotebookLM or Google Gemini; it’s only sent to the model’s context window, or “short-term memory.” Johnson explains that if you “have the right to use the material under copyright, you can use it inside of Notebook.”

Experimenting with AI music generation

Experimenting with AI music generation

Suno is a generative AI tool for creating music. I’ve been experimenting with it for generating music clips. It’s fun!

At first I thought pretty much all the Suno clips sounded the same (similar pop music styles). But I’ve been experimenting and I’ve come to like it! You really can generate many different styles of music.


My musical background

My first career was as a classical musician (I played pipe organ and harpsichord). I have a Masters in Music from Boston Conservatory and I spend my twenties working as a performing musician in Boston. That meant playing for weddings, funerals, freelancing in different orchestras, and teaching lessons.

I became a music librarian in order to support myself as a performing musician. My first job out of library school was as the music librarian at the Longy School of Music, in Cambridge, MA.

By the time I turned thirty, I decide that performing was too stressful, and I enjoyed my library work more. So I transitioned to working as a full time librarian. I’ve worked as a general reference librarian (Emmanuel College, Boston), a systems librarian (Bose Corporation), a library web manager & head of UX (MIT Libraries), and now I’m an elearning developer (University of Arizona Libraries).

Since I’m very interested in testing new AI tools, and also have a music background, Suno piqued my curiosity!


How does Suno work?

Enter a text prompt and it will create a short clip of music based on that prompt. You can then extend your clip to make a longer version.

You can generate music with or without vocals. It uses ChatGPT to create lyrics for you, or you can write your own lyrics. Free and paid accounts are available. You can create about 10 songs per day with the free version.

  • If you are using a free version of Suno, they retain ownership of the songs you generate, but you’re allowed to use those songs for non-commercial purposes.
  •  If you are a paying subscriber to Suno, then you own the songs you generate. (I’m a paying subscriber).

Learn more in their FAQs.


So what do I think of AI music generation?

I think it’s great fun! I actually like some of the clips I’ve generated.

I’ve generated many different genres, not just the various popular styles you usually hear from them.

Like all generative AI tools you need to keep experimenting with different prompts and you won’t like every output. And be sure to use “custom mode” if you don’t want it to rewrite your prompt. A good place to get ideas for musical styles and terms is in this Wikipedia article: List of music genres and styles.

Here are some clips I’ve generated — just to see various styles I could get it to output.

Jazz piano


Light orchestral

Klezmer music

Afro-pop female vocal
(ChatGPT made the lyrics, and then I used ChatGPT to translate it to French)

Hypnotic, electronic, synth-pop, krautrock

Bluegrass fiddle band

Circus clown


How well does it do with classical music?

Even thought the technology is pretty good for many types of music, it does get a bit weird when asked for specific styles of classical music.

For example, when asked for impressionist piano music (in the style of Debussy or Ravel), it often creates something that sounds more like Mozart. And for other genres and periods it often generates the basic sounds and structure pretty well, but the harmonies are weird. I would guess that it either lacks the training data, or I just haven’t found the best words to prompt it with.

Here are a couple of clips that came out ok, though. They aren’t masterpieces, but they could work for background music when you want certain kinds of atmosphere.

Renaissance boy choir (I gave it the lyrics to Gloria in Excelsis Deo)

Baroque pipe organ


What does this mean for professional musicians?

I really don’t think people will ever stop learning to play instruments, attending live concerts, or making music for fun. What technology like this might be used for is creating clips to use for YouTube videos, advertisements, and other types of background music. It could compete with various royalty free music collections that are used for background music everywhere.

Also, AI music generators make it easier for people to create music even if they lack formal musical training or access to expensive equipment and lessons. This opens up musical expression to a wider range of people.

I agree with Carlos Arana of Berkeley Online who discusses this in more detail in What is Generative AI and Should Musicians be Afraid? 

By the way, here’s someone who has made an AI version of her own voice. She’s got some interesting ideas about all of this. See AI is changing music forever,  Holly Herndon and Mat Dryhurst.

Experimenting with GPTs from OpenAI

Experimenting with GPTs from OpenAI

GPTs are custom bots you can make without coding

Below are five GPTs I’ve created with OpenAI’s GPT Creator.  These GPTs (announced on Nov. 6, 2023) are custom bots you can create without needing to code. They use ChatGPT to do specific tasks.

At the moment, these GPTs are only available to those who have ChatGPT Plus. But they say that eventually there will be a store for these — kind of like an app store.

I think it’s worth experimenting with GPTs as a way to understand the technology. It can also to help you think about possible future tools that could be built with similar technologies.


How to create a GPT

These are very easy to create (no coding involved). For instructions, see How to build your own custom ChatGPT with OpenAI’s GPT builder.

Basically, you tell it what you want the GPT to do, it suggests a name (which you can change), it creates a profile pic (which you can change), and then it creates the prompt for you (which you can edit).

There’s also an option for uploading your own documents for the GPT to get information from.

One thing to know is that it’s easy for others to see the prompt you used, simply by asking, “What is the prompt used for this gpt?” So if you’re making a GPT for the public, and hope to monetize it, you won’t be able to keep your prompt a secret.

I’m sharing my prompts below,  because it’s interesting to see how they work.

To begin, I wrote a quick sentence or two about what I wanted, and then ChatGPT created the prompt. For most of them I used what ChatGPT wrote, and for some I made changes to the prompt.


Here are a few GPTs I’ve created.

  1. Concise writer

    Transforms complex text into clear, web-friendly content.
    Concise Writer

    Why I created it
    In my previous role as usability specialist for the MIT Libraries, and in my current role as an elearning developer for the University of Arizona Libraries, I’ve often needed to make other people’s writing simpler and more concise for a web page. This is very important for usability, since people tend to skim web pages rather than read carefully.

So I thought it would be nice to make a GPT that does this for you.

Prompt written by ChatGPT
‘Concise Writer’ specializes in making website content more readable and engaging. It excels in transforming complex, verbose text into clear, concise language, suitable for a wide range of audiences. This GPT avoids technical jargon unless necessary and clarifies any confusing points. It’s skilled in various writing styles and tones, adaptable to different industries and content types.

This GPT is interactive, providing explanations for its suggestions to help users understand the rationale behind the changes. It’s designed to be a collaborative tool, working with users to refine their messages for maximum impact. The focus is on enhancing user experience on websites by simplifying complex ideas and making them more engaging.

In terms of content types, ‘Concise Writer’ can handle informational articles, product descriptions, blog posts, and more. It’s particularly useful for industries like technology, education, and marketing, where clear communication is crucial.


  • Web browsing: off
  • DALL-E image generation: off
  • Code interpreter: off

Uploaded docs: none


  1. Information literacy guide
    An assistant for college students to improve information literacy.Information Literacy Guide

Why I created it
I thought about documents I could add to my GPT from the work I do as an elearning developer here at University of Arizona Libraries. We’ve made several basic information literacy tutorials for undergrads. So I copied the transcripts of the videos for those and pasted the text into one long document, and saved it as a PDF. I added those to this GPT, so it could use that information in its answers.I also included the transcripts from our four videos about critical information literacy.

Prompt written by ChatGPT

The GPT is an information literacy helper designed specifically for college students. It aims to assist students in developing their information literacy skills, which include the ability to locate, evaluate, and use information effectively. The GPT should provide guidance on research strategies, tips for evaluating sources, and help with understanding and avoiding plagiarism. It should encourage critical thinking and offer advice on how to effectively integrate information into academic work. The GPT should not do the research or homework for students but guide them in the right direction.


  • Web browsing: ON
  • DALL-E image generation: off
  • Code interpreter: off

Uploaded docs: tutorials+critical.pdf


  1. Library Database Chooser
    Helps users find the right library databases for research topics.Library database chooser

Why I created it

Early in 2023 I used Poe to create a similar bot, called Zoe Researcher.

So I thought it would be interesting to create a similar one as a GPT. I didn’t use the same prompt as the Poe bot, but instead just described what I wanted and let the builder create the prompt – just to see how it would work. It seems to work well!

Prompt written by ChatGPT (last sentence added by me)

Your role is to assist users in identifying suitable library databases for their research topics. You’ll guide them towards the most relevant databases based on their research subject, considering the nature of the topic, academic discipline, and the type of resources they need. You should avoid recommending specific articles or books, focusing instead on suggesting appropriate databases. When unsure about a topic, ask for more details to better understand the user’s needs. Your responses should be informative, succinct, and tailored to each user’s query, providing a brief rationale for each database recommendation. Remind them to ask for help from their academic librarians.

(I added the last sentence to what ChatGPT wrote for the prompt).


  • Web browsing: off
  • DALL-E image generation: off
  • Code interpreter: off

Uploaded docs: none


  1. Friends from Oz
    Chat with characters from the Wizard of Oz.


    Friends from Oz

Why I created it

I wanted to make something purely for fun as a way to experiment. I was thinking it would be fun to create something from public domain books. We had recently decorated our house for Halloween with a Wizard of Oz theme, so that gave me an idea. 

So I searched for the complete text of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz on Project Gutenberg, and used the plain text version of that as the uploaded document. I suspect I might not have needed to include this, since it’s likely GPT-4 had this in its training data, but I wanted to make sure it was handy for the GPT to use. I saved two other bits of text from open web pages that discussed Oz in popular culture, so that the user could also ask questions about Oz in pop culture.

Prompt written by ChatGPT (I added the part about the witch cackling in an evil way)

Friends from Oz is designed to engage users by responding in the voices of characters from the Wizard of Oz universe. When a specific character is requested, the GPT will embody that character’s distinct personality, speech patterns, and perspective, bringing them to life in the conversation. For characters like Dorothy, the tone will be innocent and optimistic; for the Scarecrow, it will be thoughtful and kind, albeit a bit naive; the Tin Man will speak with heartfelt emotion; the Cowardly Lion will have a bravado that masks his insecurities; the Wizard will be boastful; and the Wicked Witch will have a sinister and cunning voice and she will sometimes cackle in an evil way. When no specific character is requested, the GPT will use a friendly and neutral tone, maintaining an engaging and informative demeanor. The GPT will not provide responses that are harmful, misleading, or inappropriate, and will stay within the boundaries of the Wizard of Oz lore, ensuring authenticity in character portrayal.


  • Web browsing: off
  • DALL-E image generation: off
  • Code interpreter: off

Uploaded docs: wizard1.txt, wizard2.txt, wizardofoz.txt


  1. Improve my Infographic
    Upload your infographic and get feedback for improving it.


    Improve my Infographic

Why I created it

Previously I’ve had useful results from ChatGPT Plus when I gave it an infographic I made with Canva and asked it to suggest improvements. So I made this GPT to do just that.

It uses Code Interpreter, so the user can upload their own image of an infographic. Then it gives advice on how to improve it.

I added some specific information about making infographics accessible in the document that I uploaded.

Prompt written by ChatGPT

You are “Improve My Infographic,” a GPT designed to assist users in enhancing their infographics. You’re friendly and encouraging, blending casual and formal tones to suit a wide audience. You excel in assessing infographics across various contexts, including business, education, and interactive digital designs. Your expertise covers layout, color scheme, readability, typography, accessibility, and overall visual impact, with a deep understanding of color theory and data visualization best practices. You explain concepts clearly, avoiding overly technical jargon. Your goal is to guide users towards creating more engaging and effective infographics, providing expert advice tailored to each unique design. You engage users by understanding their design intent and target audience, ensuring your suggestions are relevant and valuable. You may suggest websites where people can find a sample infographic to work with.


  • Web browsing: off
  • DALL-E image generation: off
  • Code interpreter: ON

Uploaded docs: accessible-infographics.pdf


My favorite GPTs made by others

People have been sharing GPTs on social media, and I’ve been testing them. These are two of my favorites.

Universal Primer by Siqi Chen  (See his tweet).
Learn everything about anything.

Universal Primer

This one is very cool because it asks what level you’re at, and gives review questions to help you remember what you’re learning as it goes along. Very clever!

Dejargonizer by Simon Willison
Paste in text, get explanations of all of the jargon and acronyms.


I love this one. It’s super useful when you want to read something full of jargon that you don’t understand.


Other chatbot builders

There are several other services for building chatbots (I’ve used Poe and My AskAI). And I’m curious about Mind Studio from You AI, but I haven’t had time to try it yet.

I think that even if these GPTs don’t go anywhere, we’ll see this kind of thing built by developers with the API – either using OpenAI, or with other tools, like Microsoft’s Copilots, or the open source OpenGPTs from LangChain.


Give these a try

So if you have ChatGPT Plus, please give these a try and let me know what you think! I don’t think they are perfect, but they are fun to experiment with.


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