In January, I put together a document to share with my department at the Univ. of Arizona Libraries (Student Learning and Engagement): Chat GPT FAQ.

It’s a work in progress – and I welcome your comments.

There are so many interesting questions about what these new tools means for education!  So I’m learning everything I can about this topic and planning a webinar for librarians.

Feel free to share the FAQ with others!

Webinar coming soon!

On May 17th I’ll be offering a webinar via the American Library Association: AI Literacy: Using ChatGPT and Artificial Intelligence Tools in Instruction.

It will focus on the importance of AI literacy for librarians – so we can help our users develop that same literacy.

You’ll learn why understanding AI tools (like ChatGPT) is a necessary part of information literacy and something library staff should be learning about now.

I’ll post more about the webinar soon – after ALA has announced it on their website.